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Baby bump photographer

Photos of your baby bump in the studio in Esslingen or in the fresh air

Babybauchfotos Babybauchshooting Esslingen Stuttgart - DSC09957-2--17.jpg

Congratulations on your little miracle!

Especially in the first few months and years, the little mice change so much. I create for you memories of your newborn that will last a lifetime. 
Write me in the  contact form and we  discuss everything else a video call. 

The most important things at a glance...

  • Shooting takes place between 1 - 4 weeks of the baby's life

  • The duration depends entirely on your baby, no time pressure! 

  • Shooting in my cozy studio

  • I have enough cloths, props and accessories. 

  • Procedure, information and FAQs can be found here ...

Was soll ich zum Fototermin mitbringen ...

  • Ultraschallfotos vom Baby, Babyschuhe, Kuscheltier, Kleidchen/Kleidung, Schnullerkette mit Namen,... 

    Das was ihr an Babyutensiliien für die Kleinen schon gekauft habt und gerne fotografiert haben möchtet.

  • Etwas kleines zum Essen und Wasser zum Trinken bzw. Traubenzucker falls dein Blutzucker runtergeht.

Babybauchfotos Babybauchshooting Esslingen Stuttgart - DSC09957-2--7.jpg
Babybauchfotos Babybauchshooting Esslingen Stuttgart - DSC09745-.jpg

Prices for your newborn photos...

you can also find it directly on my website.  
I have put together 3 bookable packages for you. These differ in scope and the number of high-quality processed images, which you get as  
result  . Check it out...

You want photos of your newborn

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